Just a quick update as to the happenin's over here. Hurricane Ike was no joke. We have had no power since Friday night at 9pm. We finally went to sleep around midnight. I think we slept thru the worst of the storm. I was woke up at 5am on Saturday when someone called to see how we were.
The kids were asleep so I wandered around the house making sure everything was still standing. The storm was still going full force. Everything was still standing and we were ok. I went into the girls' room to look out their window (Ayanna was sleeping in my bed and Ashlee was on the couch) and the floor next to their exterior wall was soaked. It seems to be seeping up through the foundation. Unfortunately that's where Ashlee keeps ALL her "crap" so I woke them up quickly and we worked on getting it all up and were able to save everything.
We still have no power. Its been 2 1/2 days. NOT FUN. Luckily its still drizzing rain and there's a breeze so we're not terribly hot. Its just boring!! We're currently at a co-worker's house that has power. Thank goodness! I have been fighting a cold and just felt like it was getting worse. That hot shower made a huge difference. The kids have no school until at least Thursday. I'm still waiting for an update at work to see when we go back to work but I'm guessing it will be a few days.
There are currently over TWO MILLION people without power. They are working 24/7 to get them up and running but say it COULD be up to 2 weeks!! We are located by a lot of major business, the mall AND a hospital so I think that's a good sign for us that we'll be have power soon (dunno when SOON is tho!). We have running water (just not hot). We have plenty of bottled water, plenty of canned food and snacks, plus stores are beginning to open up so we can restock as needed. Plus great friends/co workers that let us come over and feed and bathe us when needed :)
When I get power back I'll upload some pictures of the devastation. I'm sure everyone has seen some on the news but it doesn't even compare to being here in person. I've never been through ANYTHING like this before and hope I never have to again. We were so blessed and so lucky to come out as well as we did. So many people lost EVERYTHING!!
Bagel, Cream Cheese, Onion & Tomato
4 days ago
I've been dying to hear! I'm glad you're ok and that Ike has moved on. Keep us posted and good luck!
I'm glad you guys are ok, I've been wondering about you. I know what you're going through! All I can say is that i feel for you 100%! Take care, I hope you get power back soon. Cami
Hey, what's your email address, and I'll have Amy invite you to her blog.
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