Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Ashlee

This is my Ashlee.
She is my first born and she is 15 years old.
Ashlee and I are pretty close, we've been through a lot together.
Ashlee was my rock with Butter died.
She went to school the next day and her teacher was shocked to hear she had lost her brother she was so composed and even-tempered.
Ashlee has always been a pretty cool chick.
She has an amazing personality and is a talented artist.
Ashlee can't draw people and that bothers her.
But put Ashlee on the computer and she can make the coolest pictures I've ever seen.
To me that makes her extra special, she could be a graphic artist and work for Disney!!
Then she could fly her mom out to Cali and we could see Mickey together.
Ashlee loves being different and expressing herself.
I love my Ashlee and how much she helps me and cares about others.
She is a good big sister and TRIES to help Ayanna be a better daughter.
This is my Ashlee.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm horrible

At updating my blog :(