Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Grandma, can we go to the park, we won't get dirty PROMISE!


Arizona Visit

So I went back home to Arizona last weekend. My little brother Dustin graduated from high school and since I was going to be there we decided to have a surprise 60th birthday party for my mom.

Me & Dustin at Graduation

Me & Melissa - she likes taking self portraits

My step-dad Don -- grandkids wear him out :)

Becky's husband Chad showing Dustin how to play guitar

Becky ... nieces & nephews wear her out :)

Grandma & Becky's daughter RiKenna

Dustin & Don

Don's son Mike & his wife Denise

My niece Maci

The Morris clan at the party

Sister-in-law Janell with one of my mom's friends

Some of my mom's friends

Melissa, Maci & Melissa's "friend"

Becky's husband Chad

Tyler's son Jayse

Becky's son Cayden

Mike's son Tanner

Brian & his wife Cynthia

Tyler & Jayse

Trae's son Parker

Trae's wife Stacey & Parker

Don & my mom .. she's trying to figure out why we're all there .. lol

Mom & her friend she hasn't seen in 3 years

She cries over everything

She still doesn't get it.

Starting to piece it all together

The Morris clan



Mom, Don & Brian

Tyler, Becky & Chad

Alison with Annie's son Wally

Annie & her husband


Stacey & Wally

Stacey & Parker

Da cake



Monday, May 19, 2008

Six Flags

We took the girls to 6 flags in San Antonio over the weekend. It was the first time we'd really done anything like that and they had a lot of fun! I had a hard time getting Alex to take a picture with OUT sticking out his tongue .. but I got a few :)Ashlee posing by the dragon

Ayanna Cruising

Ashlee Cruising

Ashlee & Alex pretending not to notice I'm trying to take a picture

Posing by the waterfall

Ashlee & Ayanna waiting in line

Alex planning our next move

See! There's that tongue!

Awww I think he likes me :)

Ashlee's self portraitAgain with the tongue! GEEEZ

Eating back at the hotel

Mom, stop taking my pictureFine, wanna bite?Napping before the drive home
Driving home ... with the tongue .. lol
Had to sneak this one in.
Ayanna & her cheetos
Ashlee taking picture of herself.