I'd like to introduce you to someone. Her name is Melissa and she is my BFF. Yes, my best friend forever! Let me tell you our history. We met approximately 6 years ago online. Yes.... I meet women online .. LOL. We were playing a game called The Sims Online or as we affectionately refer to it "TSO". Without completely boring you with all the details and having to go into an in-depth description of how this game works basically what happened was thss. I made a smart ass comment that made one person mad and "Julia Tims" aka Melissa whispers "i thought it was funny". And our relationship grew from there. We have been through so many things together. My cheating husband, my divorce, her two children's births, my constant grieving of my child's loss and on and on and on. What makes our relationship even more special and unique is we have only seen each other in person MAYBE 3 times in the 6 years we've known each other. She lives in Albuquerque and I'm in Houston. We met in Phoenix once and I drove to NM twice and that's all we've ever seen each other. We've only talked on the phone maybe 10 times. All of our conversations have been held via chat on the computer!! - She tells me what i need to hear not just what i want to hear. Even if she knows it hurts me. She helped give me the strength to get out of an abusive marriage. In fact, I think she cried about it almost as much as I did!!
Here is why she is my bff:
- We can tell each other EVERYTHING, the good, the bad, and the ugly...and there has been SOME UGLY! And we are better friends than EVER.
- I'm the first one she calls/texts/IM when she's super happy or super mad about something, or just to tell me something trivial that happened.
- If either one of us died tomorrow, we would be the one people would go to to find any information about anything.
- I can text or call her day or night and she is there. And if she can't talk, she tells me so and tells me WHY she can't and when she will be able to and VICE VERSA
- If one of us hurts the other, we acknowledge it, talk about it, apologize if necessary, and move on.
- We never go two days without talking to each other unless we are out of town and then MAYBE its 3 days.
- She doesn't have to lie to me, or if for some reason she does, she admits, tells me why she did, and we move on.
- She tells her man that I'm her BFF and to DEAL WITH IT and VICE VERSA.
- We always know where each other is at, and if we haven't heard from one another, we contact them, and neither one of us thinks its weird.
- We never have to worry about how crazy we may look to the other person, but are able to show our true feelings and selves, without judgment. ANd we support each other through our weakest moments (even
times when its almost annoying lol).
So why am I blogging about this? Well I was going through some old emails and I found one she sent me quite a while ago and it made me realize just how long we've been friends and just how much she means to me. I mean I blog about my kids, I blog about my job, I blog about my men, why not blog about one of THE most important people in my life?
Here's the email:
Hey girlie...I just wanted to tell you (in case you didn't know) some things... I wanted to tell you that I have never had a friend as great as you...that I can truly tell you anything and you will still be there to listen no matter what. That you can make me laugh and cry (sometimes at the same time)...and that without you I would be more crazy then I am already. You are the only one that will be honest when I need you to be and make me feel better when I'm being stupid without calling me stupid lol. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you and our friendship. Sometimes I get so caught up about how many shitty people I have in my life that I forget to recognize that I do have someone truly special. So here is me recognizing lol.
Thank you for always being there for me no matter what. I love you girl!
So now the world knows all about Melissa, and Melissa knows all about Melissa :)
I love ya girl!