Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blast from the past

A girl I went to high school with posted these on facebook. I HAD to steal them. I was laughing so hard it wasn't even funny. I have tons of pictures from high school, I need to get a scanner so I can pay her back :)

Some of my BFF's from High School

Remind me why we thought these guys were hot again???

Tera Dunaway, Derrick Larson, Dustin (I think), Melissa Larson, can't remember the other 2 .. lol sorry
Graduation, Wendy Hiatt, Jenny, Melissa Larson

Lots of people ... LOL
Alicia Brimhall, Raechel Reidhead, Megan

Jenny, Melissa & Myself -- around 1990 I think

Rachel Lyman, Melissa Larson, Tera Dunaway (on top), Steffanie Rencher (on bottom), me, Jeaninne - JV Cheer, 1989 - 1990

Too many to name, I'm in there and you might recognize a few others. - MORP (I think) 1990

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Ashlee

This is my Ashlee.
She is my first born and she is 15 years old.
Ashlee and I are pretty close, we've been through a lot together.
Ashlee was my rock with Butter died.
She went to school the next day and her teacher was shocked to hear she had lost her brother she was so composed and even-tempered.
Ashlee has always been a pretty cool chick.
She has an amazing personality and is a talented artist.
Ashlee can't draw people and that bothers her.
But put Ashlee on the computer and she can make the coolest pictures I've ever seen.
To me that makes her extra special, she could be a graphic artist and work for Disney!!
Then she could fly her mom out to Cali and we could see Mickey together.
Ashlee loves being different and expressing herself.
I love my Ashlee and how much she helps me and cares about others.
She is a good big sister and TRIES to help Ayanna be a better daughter.
This is my Ashlee.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm horrible

At updating my blog :(

Friday, October 31, 2008


So, this year for Halloween, Ayanna decided to be a 70's go go girl. We got everything but the boots because .. well .. she's only eleven and I'm not going to buy boots she'll only wear once! At least we got the costume for a fairly good deal at Party City.

Here is the complete outfit. It came with a hat, the dress and a really cute belt that you can't see very well in the picture ... sorry

Of course we love the hat and had to pose with it.
Strike a pose

And a close up of the makeup.
Now for the amazing part. I was doing her makeup when I realized just how LONG and THICK this girl's eyelashes are!! Seriously, once I put mascara on them they looked fake. There are a lot of women that pay good money for lashes like these!
And we can't forget about the lips. This girl has beautiful lips and will never have to get a collagen injection!


This is my Ayanna. She is 11 years old and has the funniest sense of humor of anyone I know. She loves to test me on a daily basis, but is fun to be around.
She loves to dance
She loves to sing
She loves to talk on the phone about "who's hating on who" at school
And she is convinced that everyone is jealous of her.
And who wouldn't be? Look at that smile!
My favorite part of this picture? The scar on her knee. Because it shows she takes after her mother who as my mother told me time and time again "will never be Miss America with knees like that!"
I love my Ayanna

Friday, October 17, 2008

Update ... sorta

Ok so I promised I'd update. I have nothing new to say.

And that just about updates it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Birthday

So I went out with some friends from work for my birthday. We had a lot of fun but the batteries were dead in my camera so I didn't really get any pictures that turned out. They were all really dark. I did take one when I got home. My friend & Co-Worker Kelli got me a gift that I had to take a picture of .....

Enough said.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm a little bit creative

We're having a baby shower today at work for 2 co workers. Celena had a boy and Jeff's wife is having a girl next week. Here's the diaper cakes I made. I'm kinda proud of myself.
First .. here's one I found on the internet:
And here's my version:

Not too shabby eh??

More birthday goodness

Like my crown?
Chocolate .. heck yes!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Poem by Melissa

Here's a poem my youngest sister, Melissa wrote about my son.

It's pretty amazing.

Baby Butter
Two short months you spent on earth
Our grieving's just begun.

It feels like mere moments since your birth,
But now your work is done.

Too perfect for this world were you,
Life's lessons needn't you face.

Though your death has left us blue,
God needed you in His grace.

It doesn't hardly ever seem real,
Seven years have gone so fast.

But oh how great the joy we'll feel,
To see your smile at last.

So on this troubled earth I'll wait;
And when my time is Nye,
I'll meet you at the Pearly Gates
Never again to say goodbye.

Seven years to the day, my little nephew Vinson Curtis Jr. passed away of a disease called SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). I miss him so much at times it breaks my heart. But I know he's in a better place. Rest in peace Baby Butter. We all love and miss you.


Nothing says "we appreciate you" more than confetti & streamers


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not much to say really

Don't really have much to talk about today. 7 years ago today Butter passed away.

But I know he's in a better place and he's hanging out with Grandma Mac, Gus, Uncle John, Uncle Hy, and my friend Sarah's cousin Shelby. They're having WAY more than than we are!

So I'm fine, I really am. And tomorrow's my birthday ... so we're going to concentrate on that.

SOOOOOO what did you get me??

Saturday, September 27, 2008

60% off gift cards thru Tuesday the 30th

Hey guys!

I emailed this to most of my friends and family but in case you didn't get it you can go HERE.

Find gift cards for restaurants and a whole lot of other things. Use the discount code FALL. And get 60% off!

That's a $25 gift card for $4!!!!!

You can't beat that!

Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm sorry!.... NOT!!

Ok so I got in trouble for my last post. Apparently it hurt someone's feelings. Well here's what I think about that:
Ok so maybe that doesn't make things better. But I could have sworn this was MY blog and I can post what EVER I want!! I mean seriously ..... if you don't like what I have to say DON'T READ IT. This blog isn't for you!! And if you think thats mean well I think:
And to my sister just remember:AND
And now I wonder how long it will be before she gets a phone call and gets cussed out and then she calls me and returns the favor :)

Sorry I'm just:Peace out!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to my LITTLE sister!

I didn't know what to get my sister BECKY . Because she OBVIOUSLY has it all. But I saw this on another friend's blog and thought I would post it for her to steal. I think she'll really like it :)

This one's for you Becka-Sue-Lou-Lou!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

A few pictures of the Ike aftermath

If you look at one of the posts below you can see pictures of the sky before the storm, probably around 5-6pm that night. Here's a picture of the sky just before it got dark and just before we lost power, around 7-8pm:
Isn't it beautiful? You can't see it but the clouds are moving REALLY fast, it was an amazing site. Who know this would be the sky just hours later:
This was taken out my patio window in my bedroom with my cellphone so its not the best quality and you can't really see the gusting but trust me, it was skeery! Then once the sun came out and the hurricane had all but past we had tons of rain and tons of wind. The drainage ditch for our little area (in the picture above) is RIGHT outside my patio. It was getting clogged up with leaves & tree branches so the girls decided to go out and help clean up. I should get mother of the year award for letting my kids play in the hurricane!!
Of course Ashlee had to give the "thumbs up" sign so Grandma would know we were ok :). Then we decided to take a walk around the complex to see what kind of damage was done. We got lucky and had none but I knew that wouldn't be the case for everyone.

This tree was snapped in half and landed on a person's balcony:
This tree was uprooted and landed on the building. I can only imagine how LOUD that was at 2am!!

Another tree snapped in half, luckily it didn't damage any property just a b*tch to clean up I'm sure!

This is our pool, so much for a pool party for Ayanna's birthday!
anyone for a swim? YUCK!!
So then we decided to drive around a little bit and see what was going on around town. (shhh don't tell the Mayor he said we should all stay home .. SUUUURE).
More snapped trees:

This tree is blocking one of the entrances into work. Darn no work today!

This parking lot was completely flooded in the middle. Notice the "Waterbed" sign ... LOL

This is what's left of a gas station canopy. Its completely turned inside out with the pumps somewhere underneath:

The we come to the lines for gas. Funny thing is, Whataburger opened on Monday and I swear their line was longer than the gas lines. LOL

Then when we got back home we started to settle into what would be our rountine for the next 4 days without power. Spaghettios (out of the can), Checkers & Friends what more could we need?

Monday I finally was able to get to WalMart and get a VERY small charcoal grill and a local grocery store got some fresh meat. We had no ice to keep it cold so we had to eat it that night. Was the best meal EVER after turkey sandwiches!!

So there you have it, straight from the camera of an Ike Survivor :)