Monday, July 20, 2009


My sister, Becky and her husband Chad went through Snowflake. She sent me some pictures and man did it bring back memories!!
Eds Market:
We lived 3 blocks away. This is where my brother spent all of his quarters in the arcade games and I would ride my bike to spend all my money. It didn't look like this when we lived there!

The Church with the green roof

Who knows why they made it green? But this is where I spent 3 hours out of every Sunday then would race my brothers home. That is until Tyler got mad and pushed me down in the parking lot and scarred my knees for life :)

The Little League Field:

Man we spent SO much time here during the summers! Between my mom announcing, my brothers playing and me in the concession stand!! THIS was my summer

Pioneer Park:

We'd go here to play, it was a quick walk or even quick bike trip. Here's where we'd spend "Thursday Night in the Park" (I think it was Thursday lol) on our lawn chairs (or our case blankets) watching people from around town show off all their talent.

Last but not least my house:

I barely recognize it anymore but I'm glad its at least standing. Far left hand side behind the lilac bush is my bedroom window. Ahhh the memories ... :)

Monday, July 13, 2009



Moving on .... the company I work for has an amazing website called If you haven't checked it out I suggest you do! Its an amazing place to find awesome deals on EVERYTHING. We're talking groceries to vacations. Oh and if you live in a state where they have "coupon sense" then you BETTER know about this site. I work for Valassis ... the company that puts all those awesome coupons in your mailbox and your newspaper. Well now we can put them in your inbox or you can just go online.

I have been chosen to represent Texas on the "Redplum Pit Crew". Basically its my job to not only promote the website and drive traffic there, but also let everyone know about the amazing deals and contests. Now these aren't just regular contests where you fill out a ballot and you win something. Now we have those also, but this contest I'm talking about its actually fun and you can win awesome prizes. Back in January they asked for the best ideas for Valentine's Gifts. Then it was your best idea for a superbowl party spending only $43. Anyone can enter, then they pick a certain amount of finalists and post them on the website. Then its up to the public to decide who wins.

Well its that time again. This time the contest is all about summer and cooking out. We're asking for your most delicious rub or marinade recipe. Recipes must be able to be made in under 10 minutes. Send your submissions to by this Friday the 17th. Three winners will be announced the week of July 27th and receive a $50 Omaha Steaks gift certificate.

If you don't want to enter, that's fine. Just send the recipe to me, I'll enter it and then when I win I'll send you a PICTURE of the gift certificate ... haha!

Seriously though, check out It is an amazing website and it helps me out. Definitely enter the contest if you have a good recipe!!