Friday, August 29, 2008

Go away Gustav!!

No one told me when I moved to Houston I would have to worry about HURRICANES!!

The next one, Gustav (seriously, who thinks up these names anyway?) is headed towards the Gulf (that's by Houston, just FYI). They're thinking it will hit Louisiana Sunday. Hopefully it will hit, lose speed and go the OTHER direction.

Luckily the kids are off Monday and I also took off Tuesday so either way I don't have to worry about missing work.

But either way I'm not going ANYWHERE. When I first moved here 3 years ago and Rita hit Houston, I was convinced to evacuate .. BAAAAAAD idea.

Nothing like sitting in a Yukon, with no AC on a 3 lane freeway that is now FIVE lanes bumper to bumper for TEN HOURS to make a 3 hour trip to San Antonio!

No sirreeeee we're sticking this one out baby, so hold on to your hats and buckle up cuz it just might be a bumpy ride!!


Rick-n-Christa-n-CJ-n-Rigin said...

Good Luck With That! Seriously, please be careful. We will pray for you all, scarry!!

Karen said...

I was biting my nails as I watched Tropical Storm Fay pound on Matt's area, and then I saw Gustav coming and I couldn't get him home soon enough. Now I'll be thinking of you ... just sit tight and blog!