Tuesday, April 29, 2008

UHHH when did this happen?

When did my baby brother grow up?!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Torrid Stuff ... 'n stuff

Here are some of the shirts I've bought. I got them all on clearance with another 50% off so I got them for under $12 each when they were originally $50+
My mama taught me how to bargain shop :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

To all my big girls!!

To all my fellow "big girls" that are tired of lame Lane Bryant that only sells "old lady clothes" and is tired of all the "skinny minnies" that wear cute clothes and we get stuck with the crap.
THIS is my new favorite store!!
They have amazing sales online.
50% off clearance!
And their clothes are WAAAAAY cute!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Day at the Salon

Ayanna was gone all day at a friend's so I took Ashlee with me to the salon and we got some well-deserved new do's. Ashlee's was a much more dramatic change so i had to take pictures throughout the process.

First you have to comb it ...
And comb it ...

And comb it ...
And then you foil it ...Then you take pictures of yourself cuz .. well you're hot!
And you wait ...

Then you condition it while sipping on a cold beverage ...

Then you dry it ... (and make faces at your mother who loves taking your picture)

And you dry it ... (holy crap she's got a lot of hair .. did NOT get that from her mother!)

Almost dry !Then you flat iron it ...

Then 4 LOOOONG hours later you look like this!
Our stylist's son .. "Sorry my mom has spent all day combing & drying Ashlee's hair, she won't make it home for dinner!"Yeah she's beautiful!

now THAT she gets from her mother :)

Yeah ... we're hot!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eggs 'n stuff ...

My mom sent the girls some of these things to color easter eggs with ....

They're actually pretty cool. They look like Q-tips. You snap one end and the color goes to the other end and then you can draw on your eggs with them. Much less mess then the whole dunk the egg on the metal hanger lookin thingy and hope you don't knock over the color water. :)

Here's what they came up with: